Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Environment’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Environment’ especially written for school and college students.
Essay on Environment
Essay Contents:
- Essay on the Definition of Environment
- Essay on the Organism and Environment
- Essay on the Factors Affecting Environment
- Essay on the Effects of Environment on Human Beings
- Essay on Maintaining a Good Environment
- Essay on the List of Environmental Problems
- Essay on Conserving the Environment
- Essay on the Ways to Keep Environment Clean
Essay # 1. Definition of Environment:
“Environment is defined as the aggregate of all the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of any organism. Thus, the environmental factors in disease causation may be related not only to the physical aspects of the environment but also to the social, economic and biologic factors which impinge upon man’s physical and mental health. Such a broad view of environment suggests that it comprises of all things except man himself”.
A man is developed up to certain potentialities which can be developed up to a certain extent by inheritance but to develop them utmost depends upon the availability of the conducive environment.
There is a constant interaction between the man and the environment which is beneficial or detrimental for the survival of man depending upon host tissue responses to the various animate and inanimate stimuli. Maladjustment to these stimuli results into the disease processes. Environment has a great bearing on the health of the community.
It is on the fulcrum of the environment that the agents of the disease (physical, chemical, biological and socio- psychological) and the host (human being) balance each other. If the environment shifts in favour of the agent, the disease processes starts in the community and if it tilts in favour of the host, the community bargains positive health.
Essay # 2. Organism and Environment
All organisms, including plants, are not independent of themselves but depend upon some sort of surrounding medium known as environment. There is a continuous interaction between the organisms and the environment. An organism, fully adapted to its environmental conditions survives, grows and reproduces within it.
The environment can be defined as the sum total of all the physical and biotic conditions which influence the responses of organisms. There exists an intricate relationship between the morphology and physiological activities of the organism and the environment of a region. It is so as organisms survive only in proper environment.
The place where the organism lives is called its habitat, while the conditions and resources for its life activities constitute the environment. Every habitat has its own particular type of environment. Basically, the environmental complex possesses the living organisms, plants and animals, which constitute the biotic environment; and the physical conditions like air, water, minerals and solar energy which constitute the abiotic environment.
These conditions of the environment which surround and affect the life of an organism in any respect are called the factors of environment. These are also known as environmental or ecological factors or simply factors.
Essay # 3. Factors Affecting Environment:
The various factors in health and disease can be broadly classified into three broad groups e.g:
(1) Physical,
(2) Biological, and
(3) Psycho-social factors, though it is the sum total of all the factors which influence the man.
(1) Physical Environmental Factors:
It includes climate, air, sunshine, light, temperature, sound, clothing, dwelling, furniture. fittings and appliances, water, machines, chemicals, smokes, fumes, dust, radiation and animal, human and trade wastes.
(2) Biological Environmental Factors:
It includes fauna and flora; plants, microorganism, arthropods, worms, rodents, harmful animals (e.g., snake, scorpion, street dog and monkey) and reproduction (family size). In other words, all the living things around man are included in the biological environment.
(3) Psycho-Social Environmental Factors:
It has been observed that the psycho-social environment includes the human society in which man lives and the multitude interpersonal relationships that so profoundly affect his health.
This includes:
(a) People’s social heritage or culture (total way of life i.e., people’s values, beliefs, customs, attitudes, habits, practices, motivations and behaviour).
(b) Social and emotional factors viz., religion, education, economic status, hurry and worry, stresses and strains, recreations and relaxations dis-organisations (e.g., problem familiars, broken homes, juvenile delinquency, addictions, crimes (including suicides), social structure and social security (educational security, job security and unemployment assistance, maternity benefits, sickness, disability and public health securities, etc.).
Essay # 4. Effects of Environment on Human Beings:
i. Effect of Man on the Environment:
The effect of the environment on the health of the man has been discussed above but the reverse is also true that man affects the health of the environment.
(a) Impact of civilisation on disease,
(b) Effect of changes of food habits, artificialize, adulteration and over processing of food,
(c) Impact of organisation and industrialisation on the physical, mental and social aspects of human living,
(d) Effects of high speed travel,
(e) Effects of chemotherapy, synthetic drugs, antibiotics and insecticides,
(f) Radiation hazards and, lastly, and
(g) Creation of an environment of destruction.
ii. Man in the Midst of Disease:
“From the ecological point of view; disease is very simply the alteration of living tissues that jeopardizes their survival in their environment”. Health and disease are parts of the same spectrum of life-depicting positive health at the one end and death at the other end. In between the two ends there are many stages of good health, average health, subclinical disease, acute disease, chronic disease and disability.
It should be understood that none of these stages are static but are in a state of constant dynamic change depending upon the resultant interaction of the agent (animate and inanimate), host (human beings) and the environmental factors. Health and disease are, therefore, processes and not static events of life.
iii. Multiple Causation of Disease:
Disease causation—which is just an episode in the whole natural history of the disease—is the resultant phenomenon of the interaction of the agent, host and environmental factors.
Diseases can be broadly classified as:
(a) Communicable disease,
(b) Degenerative diseases and
(c) Behavioural disease.
In all these, disease-agents produce the stress, host factors react with the stress and the environmental factors determine the outcome of the agent-host interaction.
(1) Agent factors of the disease:
(i) Physical agents,
(ii) Chemical agents,
(iii) Nutritional agents,
(iv) Biological agents,
(v) Mechanical agents.
(2) Host Factors:
(i) Age,
(ii) Sex,
(iii) Race,
(iv) Constitution and heredity,
(v) Defence mechanism,
(vi) Individual habits and group customs,
(vii) Psycho-biological characteristics and religion as a factor.
Essay # 5. Maintaining a Good Environment:
Our Environment is our surrounding. This includes living and non-living things around us. The non-living components of environment are land, water and air. The living components are germs, plants, animals and people.
All plants and animals adjust to the environment in which they are born and live. A change in any component of the environment may cause discomfort and affect normal life. Any unfavorable change or degeneration in the environment is known as ‘Environmental Pollution’. We need to protect our environment to live happily.
For better environment, all its components should be protected from pollution and the surroundings should be clean. We need to take good care of our land, water resources, forests and atmosphere. It is also necessary to ensure a balance between these resources and living creatures, to meet our needs.
(i) Protection of land:
Land is the upper layer of our planet earth. It is made up of soil and rocks. Land stores water and provide a surface to live on. Soil contains nutrients and air to nurse germs and plants. Fertility of the soil has been built up over hundreds of years. Soil is likely to be washed away with rain water or blown away by wind, if it is not protected under the cover of grasses, crops or trees.
(ii) Conservation of water:
Water is our life. With water, plants grow well, crops yield more and the atmosphere remains cool. Flowing water is also a source of energy and mode of transport. Rain is the main source of water. It is absorbed by soil and stored under the ground. A part of this water, which is not absorbed, flows into rivers and finally reaches the sea. Being salty, sea water is neither fit for human consumption nor plant growth. It is necessary to keep the water clean for drinking purpose and conserve it for growing crops and trees.
(iii) Protection of forests:
Forests are an important part of the environment, because trees clean the air and keep the atmosphere cool. We cannot live without plants, because the oxygen need for breathing is produced by plants.
Trees absorb sunlight and reduce the heat. Plants provide fodder for animals, firewood, timber, medicines, honey, wax, gum, lac and food for us. Tree roots penetrate deep into the soil and from cavities in the ground. The dry leaves which fall on ground cover the soil and absorb more rain water, which slowly percolates through the soil. Thus, a large portion of the rain water can be retained in the field, by planting more trees. Flooding or rivers can be prevented by protecting trees in the forest.
Keeping the Air Clean:
Clean air is right of everyone. It is MUST for survival of every living being. Air is thick at sea level and as we go above sea level, the air layer becomes thinner with less oxygen. Beyond 12 kilometers above sea level, the composition of the air changes. This layer contains more ozone. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet rays present in sunlight, which otherwise would reach the earth and cause injury to plants and animals.
Air is the carrier of sound. In the absence of air, we cannot hear. When the volume of sound increases, it causes noise. This can frighten animals and irritate people. Continuous exposure to noise may lead to loss of hearing. Therefore, quietness is essential to improve the environment.
Essay # 6. List of Environmental Problems:
There are a number of significant environmental problems today.
They are as follows:
i. Loss of forest cover:
Forest is being cut down for timber, construction and for obtaining extra agricultural land.
ii. Air pollution:
This is caused by polluting industries and vehicular traffic. Burning incinerators, furnaces and stoves cause it. Wind is responsible for spreading air pollution. The Ozone layer has been damaged because of the use of CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) which are used in a number of industrial, commercial, and household applications.
iii. Water pollution:
Industries and factories release toxic wastes into the water. Leakage from oil tankers causes pollution of the sea. Pesticides and fertilizers also cause water pollution. Sewage released by cities into water bodies. It is predicted that there will be conflicts among nations because water will become scarce.
iv. Overpopulation:
The increase in human population increases demands for the water resources. More land is required for housing. There is increased demand for food for which more agricultural land is needed. More fuel is required. More automobiles cause more pollution.
v. Erosion of soil:
When trees and plants are destroyed that causes increase in soil erosion.
vi. Climate change and Global warming:
Human activities cause climate change like increase in temperature. Many animal and plant species may be destroyed by climate change.
vii. Introduction of genetically modified species:
Humans are tinkering with the genes of various plants and animals. We do not fully understand how the introduction of new species will affect the environment.
viii. Destruction of biodiversity:
Many plant and animal species have become extinct or are approaching extinction because of human activities. These endangered species may have important uses in medicine and science for humans.
ix. Devastation of natural habitats:
Species such as tigers and lions are reducing in numbers because humans are steadily destroying the natural habitats which sustain them.
x. Diminishing natural resources:
Mankind is using up natural resources at an alarming rate. Fuel, water, minerals, timber are being consumed rapidly. Oil and natural gas resources are expected to get over by the end of this century.
xi. Marine habitats are being polluted:
Over fishing has led to the extinction of many fish species. The oceans are vast but still vulnerable to pollution.
Essay # 7. Conserving the Environment:
Conserving the environment is a major social and political issue.
The following steps can be taken to conserve the environment:
(i) Reduce wastage of electricity, fuel and food.
(ii) Encourage the use of environment friendly and renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy and tidal energy.
(iii) Establish sanctuaries for endangered wildlife.
(iv) Stop exploitation of areas rich in biodiversity.
(v) Encourage planting of trees.
(vi) Reduce usage of plastic since it is not biodegradable.
(vii) Stop over fishing.
(viii) Encourage organic agriculture.
(ix) Polluting industries should be closed.
(x) Discourage harmful genetic engineering.
(xi) Recycle garbage.
(xii) Aggressive family planning to limit human population.
(xiii) Elect leaders who work for the environment.
(xiv) Promote the development and use of environment friendly technologies.
The environment is a hot topic these days, and there is a lot of information out there about what is wrong and what we can do about it. All this information can be overwhelming, and leave you unsure of where to start. There are simple things that you can do every day to do your part for the environment, and most of them take nothing more than an extra few seconds of your time.
Essay # 8. Ways to Keep Environment Clean:
1. Recycle who cares if I just throw this one can in the garbage instead of the recycle bin? If everyone in the U S. thought this way, and threw out just one can or plastic bottle a day, imagine the amount of waste that would be poured into our landfills.
Not to mention the amount of packaging that could be recycled instead, and used in a positive way. It is so easy to recycle at home, it’s no more difficult than taking out the regular garbage, and you just need to put your recyclables into whatever container your city or town requires for pick up.
If you are really ambitious, those soda cans can even be turned into profit if you have a recycling facility nearby that will pay you for them. More and more restaurants, stores and other venues are providing recycling receptacles for you when you are out of the house as well, making it a snap to recycle when you’re out and about.
2. Skip the paper or plastic at the grocery store there are many reusable shopping bags available, and they are even available in fun colors, patterns, or with fun sayings on them. There are reusable bags that fold up into tiny little packages, making it easier than ever to pop them in your purse or pocket and take them with you wherever you go. Keep a supply in your car so that even when you make an unexpected stop at the store, you don’t have to use paper or plastic.
3. Walk or take a bike ride if the grocery store less than a mile from your house? Think about walking or biking there. It’s good for the environment, great for your health, and can actually be a great stress reliever. If you live within a short distance of your job, you might even think about biking to work. It takes a little bit of effort on your part, but the payoffs can be big. With gas prices as high as they are right now, it will even save you some money!
4. Use environment friendly cleaning products take a look at the ingredients in the cleaning products you use in your house. Scary, isn’t it? Environmentally friendly cleaning products are becoming more common, more affordable, and easier to find.
Not only will it help the environment, but it will also keep toxins and chemicals out of your house, which can have a great affect on your health, and the health of your children or pets. And the number one thing you can do to help the environment right now:
5. Realize that you can make a difference, even though you are just one person. You often hear people say: “I’m just one person, how can I make a difference?” If everyone in this country thought that way, the end result would be disastrous.
You have the power to do your part, and for each person who does their part, this earth will be so much better off for it. We have a responsibility to ourselves, and to our children to do whatever we can to leave this earth a better place than when we got here. Go ahead, take a few small steps, and know that you ARE making a difference.