Learn about the various effects of air pollution for students and teachers. 1. Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health: The effects of air pollution on human beings is mainly on eyes and respiratory system. Air-borne gases, vapours, fumes and dust etc., when they come and contact the organs of the body it causes irritation […]
Effects of Air Pollution
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Paragraphs on Air Pollution: Top 10 Paragraphs on Air Pollution
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List of paragraphs on article pollution :- 1. Introduction to Air Pollution 2. Biological Indicators for Air Pollution 3. Composition of Atmospheric Air 4. Causes of Air Pollution 5. Sources of Air Pollution 6. Effects of Air Pollutants 7. Air Pollution Control Strategies and Devices 8. Biotechnology for Air Pollution Abatement and Odour Control 9. […]
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List of Devices Used for Controlling Air Pollution
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Cupola furnace mostly used in Mandi Gobindgarh, Morinda, Batala, Muktsar of Punjab and Agra, Firozabad and Muradabad in western UP (India) is a relatively high thermal efficient furnace in which melting of pig iron and cast iron is done using hard coke. Cupola furnace is an integral part of the foundry sector and has been […]