In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Hydrologic Cycle Reservoirs 2. The Mechanics of the Hydrologic Cycle 3. Alteration. Hydrologic Cycle Reservoirs: In its simplest form, the hydrologic cycle is the movement of water throughout the environment, back and forth, from the atmosphere to the earth; essentially, the global recycling of water. Water is […]
Hydrologic Cycle: Reservoirs, Mechanics and Alteration | Biogeochemical Cycle
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Essay on the Water Cycle | Biogeochemical Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the water cycle with the help of a diagram. Importance of Water: Water is indispensable for life. It is an essential need of both plants and animals. Every organism contains water about 60-90% of body weight. It is required for the working of macro- molecules, as a good […]
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Biogeochemical Cycles and Life on Earth
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Biogeochemical cycles are essential to long-term, sustainable life on Earth for several reasons. First, living things require many chemical elements, and these must be available at the right time, in the right amounts, and in the right concentrations relative to each other. This is the essence of, and the importance of, biogeochemical cycles. Second, sustained […]