In this essay we will discuss about the nitrogen cycle with the help of a diagram. Importance of Nitrogen: Nitrogen is an essential constituent of protoplasm. Nitrogen is the component of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, nucleotides and nucleic acids. Sources of Nitrogen: Like all other major and minor elements, it flows in nature in a […]
Essay on the Nitrogen Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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Essay on the Carbon Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the carbon cycle with the help of a diagram. Importance of Carbon: It is estimated that about 99% of the total carbon lies in the geological components. Carbon is essential constituent of all major organic compounds of protoplasm as carbohydrates, fats and nucleic acids. So carbon is generally […]
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Essay on the Phosphorus Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the phosphorus cycle with the help of a diagram. Phosphorus is one of the nutrients of major importance to biological systems and is the constituent of energy rich compounds e.g. ADP, ATP, GTP. It is also found in plasma membrane, shells, bones and teeth. Phosphorus is indispensable for […]