In this essay we will discuss about the oxygen cycle with the help of a diagram. Oxygen is about 20-84% in the atmosphere. Organisms respire aerobically in the presence of oxygen.During respiration, it combines with hydrogen to form water. It is found as a component of oxidised salts CO2 arid H2O. Oxygen enters the plants […]
Essay on the Oxygen Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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Essay on the Nitrogen Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the nitrogen cycle with the help of a diagram. Importance of Nitrogen: Nitrogen is an essential constituent of protoplasm. Nitrogen is the component of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, nucleotides and nucleic acids. Sources of Nitrogen: Like all other major and minor elements, it flows in nature in a […]
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Essay on the Carbon Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the carbon cycle with the help of a diagram. Importance of Carbon: It is estimated that about 99% of the total carbon lies in the geological components. Carbon is essential constituent of all major organic compounds of protoplasm as carbohydrates, fats and nucleic acids. So carbon is generally […]