How to Control Water Pollution in Non-Ferrous Process Industry: Water is used in several places in lead and zinc extraction, including the blast furnace, cooling of the sinter, and in the acid plant if one is connected to the works. This water can contain many pollutants including lead, cadmium, arsenic and cyanide, so that treatment […]
How to Control Pollution in Non-Ferrous Process Industry?
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Top 4 Devices for Controlling Gaseous Pollutants | Industrial Pollution
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The different gaseous control devices are explained as follows: 1. Adsorption: The forces which hold atoms, molecules or ions together in the solid state exist throughout the body of a solid and at its surface. The forces at the surface may be considered to be “residual” in that they are available for binding other molecules […]
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How to Control Construction and Household Noise?
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Construction noise is the product of the machines and processes involved in construction. Since much of construction is carried out outdoors, the external noise effects are much more important than for other kinds of industrial noise. Regardless of the type of structure under construction, is it a high-rise building, a bridge, a highway or a […]