We shall examine common examples of pathogenic disease where water pollution is responsible in part or in whole. The diseases include infection by one of four major categories of organisms: 1. Enteric viruses, 2. Bacteria, 3. Protozoans, and 4. Worms. 1. Viral Infections: Viruses are properly identified as obligate, intracellular parasites. This means that, while […]
Examples of Pathogenic Diseases: Enteric viruses, Bacteria, Protozoans and Worms
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Essay on Water Borne Diseases
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Here is an essay on ‘Water Borne Diseases’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Water Borne Diseases’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Water Borne Diseases Essay # 1. Introduction to Water Borne Diseases: Water is non-substitutable, and a life supporting molecule. There can […]
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List of Water Borne Diseases
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Water borne disease range in severity from mild to life threatening illness, and their significance is often under-estimated. These disorders may also cause chronic health problems. Water-borne diseases constitute a wide spectrum, and are manifested by acute watery diarrhoea contributing to 50% of diarrhoea-related deaths, 30-35% are due to persistent diarrhoea and 15-20% due to […]