After reading this article you will learn about the toxic effects of heavy metals on human health and plants. Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on Human Health: Metallic elements are an intrinsic component of the environment. Their presence is considered unique in the sense that it is difficult to remove them completely from the environment […]
Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on Human Health and Plants | Industries
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4 Major Effects of Urbanization in India (With Remedies)
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This article throws light upon the four major effects of urbanisation in India. The effects are: 1. Settlements and Psychosocial Health Problems 2. Garbage Collection and Disposal 3. Noise Pollution 4. Road Accidents. Effect # 1. Settlements and Psychosocial Health Problems: Particular populations or age groups within specific urban or rural settings are likely to […]
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5 Major Effects of Air Pollution on our Environment
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This article throws light upon the five major effects of air pollution on our environment. The effects are: 1. Effects on Vegetation 2. Effects on Animals 3. Effect on Man 4. Effects on Materials 5. Global Climate Changes. Air Pollution: Effect # 1. Effects on Vegetation: Air pollution can affect plants to varying degrees. At […]