In this article we will discuss about the methods and procedures to measure physical, chemical and biological parameters of water quality. Learn about:- 1. Physical Parameter of Water Quality 2. Chemical Water Quality Parameters 3. Biological Parameter. Physical Parameter of Water Quality: The availability of a water supply adequate in terms of both quantity and […]
How to Measure the Quality of Water: Physical, Chemical & Biological Parameter | Environment
Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water | Water Purification | Environment
Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water! Chemical disinfection became an integral part of municipal drinking water treatment over 100 years ago as a vital tool in achieving its principal objective: protection of public health. Oxidation, while not as vital to achieving public health objectives as disinfection, has also been accepted as an important part of drinking […]
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How to Sterilise and Disinfect Water: Treatment, Ultraviolet Radiation, Electron Beam and Disinfection
In this article we will discuss about the methods and techniques used to sterilise and disinfect water. Learn about:- 1. Treatment Options for Sterilisation of Water 2. Sterilisation Using Ultraviolet Radiation 3. Sterilisation Using Electron Beam 4. Disinfection by Chlorination 5. Disinfection with Interhalogens and Halogen Mixtures 6. Sterilisation Using Ozone. Contents: Treatment Options for […]