In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Hydrologic Cycle Reservoirs 2. The Mechanics of the Hydrologic Cycle 3. Alteration. Hydrologic Cycle Reservoirs: In its simplest form, the hydrologic cycle is the movement of water throughout the environment, back and forth, from the atmosphere to the earth; essentially, the global recycling of water. Water is […]
Hydrologic Cycle: Reservoirs, Mechanics and Alteration | Biogeochemical Cycle
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The Phosphorus Cycle: Forms, Sources, Effects and Detergents | Biogeochemical Cycle
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The phosphorous cycle is considerably different from the nitrogen cycle. Rather than a predominantly biochemical cycle, the phosphorous cycle is basically a geological cycle. This is because the major reservoir is the lithosphere, with the principle inputs from the erosion and weathering of phosphorous deposits. Large amounts of phosphorous are eroded and washed into the […]
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Nitrogen Cycle: Forms, Sources and Conversion Processes| Biogeochemical Cycle
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Nitrogen Cycle 2. Forms of Nitrogen 3. Sources 4. Biochemical Conversion Processes. Introduction to Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen, in a number of different forms, can play an important role in several environmental problems. Like many chemical compounds, nitrogen is cycled in nature from one form to […]