पर्यावरण के तत्व | Paryaavaran Ke Tatv | Elements of Environment in Hindi. The elements are:- 1. स्थिति (Location) 2. उच्चावच (Relief) 3. जलवायु (Climate) 4. प्राकृतिक वनस्पति (Natural Vegetation) 5. मृदा (Soils or Edaphic Factor) 6. जल राशियों (Water Bodies). पर्यावरण अनेक तत्वों के समूह का नाम है तथा प्रत्येक तत्व का इसमें महत्वपूर्ण […]
पर्यावरण के तत्व | Paryaavaran Ke Tatv | Elements of Environment in Hindi
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List of Biochemical Cycles | Ecosystem | Environment
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The following is an account of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur and water cycles: 1. Carbon Cycle: Carbon is contained in all organic compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids which make up a living being. (a) Carbon Dioxide goes into the Living Beings from Atmosphere: The main source of carbon of living […]
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How to Improve the Fuel Efficiency of Vehicles? | India | Environment
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The following article will guide you about how to improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles in India. How to Improve the Fuel Efficiency of Trucks: The potential for improving the fuel efficiency of trucks in India is considerable. The truck fleets in India are older, smaller and less technologically sophisticated, less fuel efficient – than […]