The different gaseous control devices are explained as follows: 1. Adsorption: The forces which hold atoms, molecules or ions together in the solid state exist throughout the body of a solid and at its surface. The forces at the surface may be considered to be “residual” in that they are available for binding other molecules […]
Top 4 Devices for Controlling Gaseous Pollutants | Industrial Pollution
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How to Estimate Gaseous Pollutants Present in Air?
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The procedure for analysis of sulphur dioxide, sulphation rate, hydrogen sulphide, oxides of nitrogen, oxidants, fluorides, and carbon monoxide are explained below. These methods have been adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (India), which are given in IS: 5182. (They are reproduced briefly with kind permission of Bureau of Indian standards). Estimation […]
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Processes to Control Gaseous Pollutants
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This article throws light upon the four main processes to control gaseous pollutants from stack gases. The processes are: 1. Combustion 2. Absorption 3. Adsorption4. Closed Circuit and Recovery Systems. Process # 1. Combustion: Combustion process like flame combustion or catalytic combustion can be utilized to greatest advantage when the gases or vapours to be […]