This article throws light upon the ten modern techniques used to control pollutants discharged from industries. Some of the techniques are: 1. Capillary Isatochophoresis 2. Cryogenic Gas Chromatography 3. Closed Loop Stripping Analysis 4. Inductive Coupled Plasma Instrumentation 5. Continuous Flow-Wet Analyser 6. Dual-Ion Chromatography 7. Gas-Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Data Programme System and Others. Technique # 1. […]
Control of Pollutants Discharged from Industries: 10 Techniques
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Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on Human Health and Plants | Industries
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After reading this article you will learn about the toxic effects of heavy metals on human health and plants. Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on Human Health: Metallic elements are an intrinsic component of the environment. Their presence is considered unique in the sense that it is difficult to remove them completely from the environment […]
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Wastewater from Coffee Processing Industry and Its Treatment
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Characterization of Wastewater 2. Sources of Wastewater 3. Environmental Problems 4. Treatment 5. Recent Trends. Characterization of Wastewater from Coffee Processing Industry: Preparation of washed coffee requires pulping; washing equipment’s and adequate quantities of clean water. The approximate water requirement for the production of one tonne […]