This article throws light upon the top eight applications of remote sensing. The applications are: 1. Application to Atmospheric Studies 2. Application to Geospheric Survey 3. Biospheric Survey 4. Hydrospheric Survey 5. Cryospheric Survey 6. Environmental Studies 7. Geo-Botanical Exploration 8. Oceanography. Application # 1. Atmospheric Studies: Weather forecasters need access to information from large […]
Top 8 Applications of Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing: Principles, Types and System (With Diagram)
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Principles of Remote Sensing 2. Types of Remote Sensing 3. System Overview. Principles of Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing (RS) is generally defined as the science of collecting and interpreting information about a target without being in physical contact with the object under study. There are various […]
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Monitoring Pollutants: 23 Instruments (With Diagram)
This article throws light upon the top twenty-three instruments used for monitoring pollutants. Some of the instruments are: 1. Computerized Gas Chromatography or Digital Chromatography 2. Computerized Mass Spectrometry 3. Computerized N.M.R. Spectroscopy 4. Digital pH Meter and Digital Conductivity Meter 5. The Universal Polar Graphic Analyzer 6. Digital Dissolved Oxygen Analyser and Others. Instrument […]