This article throws light upon the top three methods of controlling noise pollution caused by pop music. The methods are: 1. Isolation 2. Insulation 3. Volume Reduction. Method # 1. Isolation: The method of isolation suggests that if a pop club is located at the centre of a residential area, then moving it away from […]
Controlling Noise Pollution Caused by Pop Music
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Top 12 Acoustic Enclosures for Noise Control
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This article throws light upon the top twelve acoustic enclosures for noise control. The acoustic enclosures are: 1. Noise Barriers 2. Acoustic Curtains 3. Semi-Enclosures 4. Close-Fitting Enclosure 5. Basic Panel SRI 6. Enclosure Construction 7. Panel Joints 8. Acoustic Doors 9. Ventilation 10. Windows 11. Internal Absorption 12. Isolation of Vibrations. Noise Control: Acoustic […]