This article throws light upon the top eight materials used for acoustic treatment of noise. The materials are: 1. Acoustic Foams 2. Asbestos Products 3. Balsa Wood 4. Building Materials 5. Glass Products 6. Mineral Products 7. Lead Products. Acoustic Treatment of Noise: Material # 1. Acoustic Foams: Acoustic foams are sponge-like materials. Such materials […]
Top 8 Materials used for Acoustic Treatment of Noise
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Paragraphs on Noise Pollution
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Paragraphs on Noise Pollution! The measurements of noise levels in residential, industrial and commercial areas in the capital city of India, Delhi, were carried out in the month of March and April, 1992. Six sites in residential areas, four in industrial areas and nine in commercial areas were chosen, which were situated in different parts […]
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Analysis of Noise Levels in Various Cities of India
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Equipment used and Methods of Measurement: In general two types of measurements were made for collection of noise level data in various cities of India. For one type of measurement a correct Sound Level Meter (SLM) was selected from which readings were manually read for about a minute. As a single reading indicates noise level […]