This article provides short notes on Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) Analyzer. NDIR analyzers have been developed to monitor SO2, NOx, CO and other gases that absorb in the infra-red, including CO2 and hydrocarbons. However it is probably true to say that this is the “preferred” technique only for CO monitoring of pollutants in ambient air. The […]
4. Short Notes on Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) Analyzer
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Notes on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
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Here is a compilation of notes on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. After reading these notes you will learn about :-1. Meaning of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 2. Principle of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 3. Advantages 4. Disadvantages 5. Instruments 6. Experimental Techniques 7. Interference 8. Applications. Contents: Notes on the Meaning of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Notes on the […]
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Short Notes on Global Warming Potential (GWP)
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This article provides a short note on Global Warming Potential (GWP). Global warming potential is an estimate of how much a given mass of any of the aforementioned green-house gases will contribute to the hazards of global warming. The efficiency of the molecules and the atmospheric lifetime of the gas determine the global warming potential […]