A very large number of different analytical techniques are used for atmospheric pollutant analysis. Some of these whose uses are not confined to atmospheric analysis were discussed. A summary of some of the main instrumental techniques for air monitoring is presented in Table 30.2. Analysis of Sulphur Dioxide: The reference method for the analysis of […]
How to Measure Air Pollutants? | Air Pollution
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Estimating the Pollutant Concentration in Air
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In this article we will discuss about the estimation of particulate and gaseous pollutants in air. Estimating the Particulate Concentration in Air: The selection of equipment or method for sampling of particulate pollutants is based on the size of particulates to be sampled. If the size is greater than 10 microns, sedimentation based method may […]
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How to Estimate Gaseous Pollutants Present in Air?
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The procedure for analysis of sulphur dioxide, sulphation rate, hydrogen sulphide, oxides of nitrogen, oxidants, fluorides, and carbon monoxide are explained below. These methods have been adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (India), which are given in IS: 5182. (They are reproduced briefly with kind permission of Bureau of Indian standards). Estimation […]