After reading this article you will learn about the application of diffusion climatology in the EIA of industries. According to B. Padmanabhamurty, environmental impact is defined as any change in the environment that is caused by an activity or a factor. The change may be physical, chemical, biological, social or economic. The environmental change may […]
Application of Diffusion Climatology in the EIA of Industries
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Collection, Preservation and Tabulation of Industrial Samples
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After reading this article you will learn about the collection, preservation and tabulation of industrial samples. The collection and preservation of industrial sample for analysis work is a very important part and hence it should be done very carefully. The improper care may lead to wrong results. The quantity of the sample, place of taking […]
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Treatment of Impure Water: 15 Processes
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Various processes for the treatment of impure water are given below. It is not essential that all these processes will have to be employed at all places, but it depends upon the quality of raw water. Process # 1. Removal of Dissolved Gases: It has been found that some of the gases if present in […]