In this article we shall consider methods of reducing exposure to noise from traffic, as distinct from the methods for reducing noise at the source through improved vehicle design. These methods, which are applied in different ways from place to place, are essentially of three types: 1. Noise reduction by urban planning and road design […]
How to Reduce Traffic Noise? | Noise Pollution
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How to Reduce Gear Noise in Industries?
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There are five fundamental and distinct approaches to gear noise reduction available to the acoustical engineer: 1. Change the basic gear type or material. 2. Modify the tooth profile. 3. Introduce damping or shock reducing material 4. Increase the transmission loss TL of the gear box. 5. Total enclosure. Often a combination of selected measures […]
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Top 4 Ways to Reduce Noise at Office | Noise Pollution
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This article throws light upon the top four ways to reduce noise at office. The ways are: 1. Partitions 2. Screens 3. Plant Installations 4. Lift Installations. Way # 1. Partitions: The reduction of sound by any practical barrier is not constant at all significant frequencies in the audio-frequency range; but if the partition is […]