In this article we will discuss about the methods and procedures to treat and control wastewater from iron and steel industry. The iron and steel industry, as treated here, includes pig iron production, steel making, rolling operations and those finishing operations common in steel mills, i.e. cold reduction, tin plating and galvanising. Most steel firms […]
How to Treat Wastewater from Iron and Steel Industry? | Waste Management
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How to Treat Wastewater from Fertiliser Industry? | Waste Management
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In this article we will discuss about the methods and techniques used to treat waste water from fertilizer industry. Learn about:- 1. Introduction to Fertiliser Industry 2. Waste-Water from Fertiliser Plants 3. Treatment of Fertiliser Waste-Water 4. Characteristics and Sources of Waste-Water 5. Waste-Water Control Methods 6. Waste-Water Treatment Methods. Contents: Introduction to Fertiliser Industry […]
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How to Treat Wastewater from Cement & Ceramic Industry? | Waste Management
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In this article we will discuss about the methods and techniques used to treat waste water from cement and ceramic industry. Portland cement is a powder that, when mixed with water, will bind sand and stone into a hardened mass called concrete. Portland cement concrete is an attractive construction product due to its low cost, […]