The seafood industry consists primarily of many small processing plants, with a number of larger plants located near industry and population centers. Numerous types of seafood are processed, such as mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops), crustaceans (crabs and lobsters), saltwater fishes and freshwater fishes. As in most processing industries, seafood-processing operations produce waste-water containing substantial contaminants […]
How to Treat Waste Water from Seafood Industry? | Water Pollution
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Treatment of Waste Water through Plant | Water Pollution
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In this article we will discuss about the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of waste water through plant. Primary Treatment: A series of settling chambers are designed to remove heavy grits including coarser organic materials. Then there is a sedimentation clarifier, where suspended particles are oxidised and sedimented at the bottom as sludge. In this […]