This article throws light upon the twenty-two main physical properties of water. Some of the physical properties are: 1. Temperature 2. Water Velocity 3. Transparency 4. Dissolved Solids 5. Acidity 6. Alkalinity 7. D.O. (Dissolved Oxygen) 8. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 9. Chemical Oxygen Demand 10. Determination of Nitrite 11. Nitrate and Others. Physical Property # […]
22 Main Physical Properties of Water
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Disinfection of Drinking Water: 8 Methods
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This article throws light upon the top eight methods used for disinfection of drinking water. The methods are: 1. Disinfection by Light 2. Disinfections by Heat 3. Metal Ions 4. Alkalies and Acids 5. Surface Active Chemicals 6. Disinfection by Ozone 7. Halogens as Disinfectants 8. Other Disinfectants. Method # 1. Disinfection by Light: As […]
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Chlorine: Numerical Properties, Hydrolysis and Role
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Numerical Properties of Chlorine 2. Hydrolysis of Chlorine 3. Role in Disinfecting Water. Numerical Properties of Chlorine: Some numerical properties of chlorine are given below: It has a strong oxidizing activity because atoms have a strong tendency to acquire an extra electron to complete an octet. […]