This essay throws light upon the four main environmental problems of urbanisation. The problems are: 1. Urbanisation and Water Pollution 2. Urbanisation and Air Pollution 3. Urbanisation and Amenity 4. Health Impact of Urbanisation. Environmental Problem # 1. Urbanisation and Water Pollution: Most large cities are situated next to important water resources. It is difficult […]
Environmental Problems and Urbanisation
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List of Top 12 International Environmental Policies
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Here is a list of top twelve international environmental policies:- 1. International Whaling Commission 2. Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation 3. OECD Environmental Committee 4. Helsinki Convention 5. OECD Meet on Environment 6. Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste 7. Montreal Protocol 8. Indian Ocean Rimiorganisation for Regional Corporation and Others. International Environmental Policies: International Whaling Commission […]